314 N. Fremont St. River Falls, Wis. 54022 December, 1977 Temporary address until Jan. 15, ‘78: 4697 E. Evans Creek Rd. Rogue River, Ore. 97537
Dear Ones:
One of the nicest things about the season is the renewing of old friendships and exchanging the greetings which I so anticipate receiving and sending each year. In the second year of retirement I’m finding there is not nearly enough time to do everything I’ve been saving up to do. This is partly because of the numerous things other people seem to have in mind for me that I hadn’t thought of myself. I have some creative outlets doing pottery and most recently weaving on my newly acquired 4 harness floor loon. I’m relearning some of the skills and satisfactions of this beloved craft. Gradually I am also exploring the idea of setting up a combination studio and shop in my home.
Presently I am treating myself to an extended visit with the West coast members of my family. Since Bruce is now living in St. Paul we see each other frequently, and I had a special reason for this trip, as you will see.
Doug and Rosemary’s little son, Nahan McCain Harris, greeted big sister, Raina, and his parents on their tenth wedding anniversary November 22. I was able to be with them for ten days after Thanksgiving and enjoyed the thrill of sharing the new baby, their family life and mountainside home for a truly fine visit. We are looking forward to seeing them again at Christmas here at Merry and Jon’s where I’ll be headquartered until the middle of January.
Before going home to the snow and ice of “Wonderful Wisconsin”, I hope to attend a reunion of some former teachers from the school at Izair, Turkey, where I taught a few years ago. We are making tentative plans for a trip back there in June to join in the centennial celebration of the founding of the school.
I wish for each of you an extension of the blessings and hopes of the Christmas season throughout the coming year.
Affectionately, Betty
Family roster:
Mery and Jon Webb; Erik, 10; Kevin, 3. Address above.Bruce Harris; 1471 Como Ave. St. Paul, Minn. 55108 Doug and Rosemary Harris; Raina, 2; Naham, 3 weeks. Box 1207 Clearlake Highlands, Calif. 95422