314 N. Fremont Street, River Falls, WI 54022 * * December 12, 1978
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Dear Ones All:
I greet you with the opening words of my favorite carol and wish for you the joys and blessings of Christmas. May they continue through the New Year ahead.
A major highlight of the past year for me was a return to Turkey in the spring to join in the centennial celebration of the American Collegiate Institute at Izmir, where I taught in 1972-73. Jessie St.Jean, my inseparable companion of those days and I took the trip together. We renewed old friendships and relieved many good old times, as well as adding new adventures to our memory book. A.C.I. went all out in its festivities. As overseas visitors we were among the celebrities and even got our pictures in the Izmir paper. Part of the 4 week trip was spent on a 12 day bus tour around Turkey with other returnees. There is no way to do justice to that here. I’ll only say that a great deal of creative problem solving helped build up a true camaraderie! We stayed almost on schedule and visited many beautiful and historic places. The Turkish folk are just as hospitable and friendly as I remembered them, and just as curious about us yabanci (foreigners) as we were of them. Home again, I enrolled in an intensive 3 week weaving workshop which served to increase my addiction to this fascinating art. I spend many hours at my looms and am even selling some things.
In July I went to Florida (first time ever) to visit Mother Harris who had a miraculous recovery from emergency surgery at age 94. What a wonderful spirit she has. Her courage and faith are an inspiration. I was also glad to see some other members of the Harris family while there.
A week ago I returned from a 5 week visit to family and friends on the west coast (which partly explains the lateness of this greeting). All are well and engaged in a multitude of home and community projects. Doug and Rosie have added many animals to their ranch, including goats which they milk for profit. Merry and Jon still have horses, and do extensive gardening. Needless to say my four grandchildren are the most outstanding anywhere. Both families would like to make a trip back to Wisconsin next summer. Any volunteers for house and animal sitting?
Bruce and I will spend Christmas together this year, which we don’t get to do very often. He is now living in Milwaukee, working at Goodwill Industries. He likes Milwaukee and has become active in Kenwood Church.
As ever , Betty Harris