December, 1984 533 Linden St. River Falls, WI. 54022
Dearest Family Members and Friends:
Once again good thoughts of you are flying through the air as we observe the annual exchange of remembrance and fond wishes and catch up on each other’s activities.
For me this past year has been one of many changes, hence the butterfly motif, a reminder that in spite of change, life and beauty are permanent. For one thing, note my new address. It finally all came together, and I moved in May, after more than thirty years at the other house. So - erase 314 N. Fremont and enter 533 Linden.
The move was a major undertaking as you may imagine, since the old house had ample storage space and I have never been known for my tendency to throw things out! Along with the new owners and some neighbours, I had an end-all garage sale. Among the more interesting items in the sale were about fifty old orange crates which we had accumulated in the old days, and had used as basement and garage storage. They sold for $1.00 each, and I could have sold twice as many. Most sought after were those with the labels still on. Shades of Camp Gallistella!
Since moving in here, I have been so occupied with various activities that I have not really completely settled in. Lots of things are still in boxes awaiting my attention. Including of course, last year’s Christmas letter which I vaguely remember putting together in a fit of frustration. Maybe by next year I’ll have all my files, etc. in order. Wanna bet?
I did get all the boxes out of the living room and dining room so that I could have the McCain family annual Thanksgiving dinner here and it was a lot of fun for me. First time I fixed a turkey for at least fifteen years. It was done by 10:00 AM, so by dinner time it was really ready. Edible, too.
My term as district UMW President concludes with the ringing in of the New Year. It has been a four year period of enrichment for me. It has also consumed a large part of my time and energy. The many meetings in various parts of the state and district were enlightening and rewarded me with a large circle of friends. I’ll miss the travel which I have greatly enjoyed. I do not, as someone suggested, however, plan to sell my car.
OAK STUDIO and all its gear and trapping moved with me. I have had very little weaving time so far, but I can dream can’t I? The looms are in the living room and dining room, and the yarns are all over the house. You need to understand that OAK STUDIO is more a concept than a specific place.
What can we say or do about the sad state of our nation and all of God’s world? Pray that we will awaken before it’s too late. There’s an ancient Chinese proverb: “If we do not change our direction, we are likely to end up where we are headed.”
I wish for you and yours the joys of the season and pray for the rule of God’s Love everywhere.