Elizabeth L. Harris 533 Linden St. River Falls, WI 54022
December 1990
DEAR ONES ALL: Here I am again, greeting you from the beautiful frozen Northland, snug, warm and thankful in my own cosy nest. It’s fortunate I have commitments that make me venture forth now and then or I might be tempted to hibernate ‘till spring.
This has been a year of many visits both to and from my scattered family. Doug and Sissa Nelson were married in Calif on his birthday in May, and I was there. Welcome Sissa to the family circle. They and children visited me in July. Jon was here with the three youngest Webb kids in August. In October I went to Oregon, as Merry had surgery and I wanted to be there. She came through with flying colors and all is well with her. Erik paid me a whirlwind visit for also which I was happy. His level of energy and range of interests leave me breathless. He graduates from Northwestern U. in June and he has a million plans. I visit my brothers in Jordan, Minn. and Oshkosh Wis. occasionally and had a couple of airport rendezvous with Bob and Julie, and cousin Don and Elaine in Portland.
Bruce and I get together frequently. He visits here and I go to MIlwaukee. I’m glad to have grown up in the big city with all its diversity. I’m even gladder to get back to River Falls.
Here many activities are also available to me with church and community affairs. The Refugee Center Board, of which I am a member has taken an interest in a Russian Jewish family who came for a visit and wish to establish refugee status. It’s been very challenging. They are delightful people, and we have learned much for them. Peristroika hasn’t helped the Jews in the USSR.
Three phone calls, four visits to three different locations on the UW-RF campus later, aided (?) by an outdated schedule - given to me by the Registrar - I managed to get enrolled in a studio graphics class for next semester. I’m suggesting they substitute the enrollment procedure for the SAT or GRE as criteria for college entrance!
About the government and the international situation: What can I say? By the time you read this things may have changed drastically. I fervently pray that calm minds and hearts will prevail! What ever happened to “Love your enemies”? Well, as one headline over an article in the Washington Post put it recently, “Maybe The Movie Will Be Better”.
I keep coming back in my mind to this somewhat doleful quote from Henri Nouwen: “Sometimes one feels as if half the world is asking advice of the other half while both sides sit in the same darkness.” However on a more hopeful note I refer you to the other page enclosed with this letter which is one of my favorites.
Meanwhile, I wish for you and yours the best of the season, and that the God of Peace will truly live in your hearts, Love and God Bless---- Betty