2000 Will & Betty Harris Family Christmas Letter


Dear Ones,          This year has been filled with many visits from friends and family from both far and near.  Summer found all of my children together with me, here in River Falls - a rare occasion!  I now have three “greats” added to my family tree and another on the way.          My life as you see is filled with many activities and the usual health concerns of an 87 year old.  In January I had cataract surgery on my “good eye” and the Wis. License Bureau saw fit to declare me ok to drive without glasses…and renewed my license for 8 years!!!          Bruce and Darlene live in town and we do many family type things  together.  They have E-Mail (I don’t) so we keep in touch with Family and friends that way.  I like to read and listen to all the “talking heads” on TV.          My quote for the year is from the Apostle Paul (Ph. 4:8) “Whatsoever things are True, Honest, Just, Pure, Lovely of Good Report, if there be any Virtue, any Praise, think on these things.”  

                                                                        All My Love, 

                                                                                   Betty Harris


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