Aug. 29
Leave Mossville 6:40 C.D.T
(hunt for keys--) 6:50
Breakfast 9:00
Bananas, rolls, milk
Car trouble
Lost glasses
Dinner 11:30
Café—Mexico Mo.
Supper—stew, potatoes, tomatoes, peaches in camp—
Arrived 4:30
Set up camp by 6:30
To bed early—rained all night.
Aug. 30
Breakfast in camp 8:00 C. S. T.
Everything dripping wet
Rain stopped at last.
Drove to Bagnell Dam to see sights—
Too cold to swim—cloudy all day.
Lunch—cooked hamburgers on rocky ledge.
Kids played with cars on rocks—
Bought souvenirs in Lake Ozark—took boat ride in an old tub.
Supper in camp—
Spaghetti—canned peas—cookies—tomatoes
Packing up, ready to leave in morning—New campers in—forgot all their cooking utensils—were they disgusted! Merry played with dog—To bed early—looks like rain again!
Aug. 31
Kansas Here we come. Leave Ozark St. Park.
46210 8:00 A.M.
Up at 6:00
Broke camp, on our way before bkfst.
Merry & Doug sick
Stopped for milk and rolls
Cloudy, misty, damp day.
Kids slept in morning, feeling better by noon. Stopped for lunch at Bronson, Kan. City park—
Scr. eggs sandwiches, pot. chips, bananas—
Kan. Roads 54 under repair most of the way—Camp at st. pk. Augusta nice spot—Kids played horse on the
Casualties—Doug stepped on thorn—swallowed chicken bone at supper.
Bruce fell out of tree on his ear—
Supper in camp
Chicken & noodles, fr. pot. [fried potatoes] tomatoes, cookies.
To bed early 8:30
Sept. 1
Up at 6:30
Everybody happy.
Clear & cool wonderful day
46516 Leave St. Pk 9:30 A. M.
Breakfast in camp
Pork sausage—bread & butter—juice—plums
Cloudless sky
Hot Kansas summer day—Bought groceries in Wichita—
Dinner in Pratt city park ¼ block square by a “Draw” nice spot.
Cooked hamburgers—also had cherry pie
Hot drive in P. M. Stopped at Cimmaron Park to see famous crossing of Santa Fe Trail. Soft tire—had to change, waited for tire repairs—lost jack handle.
McKinney St. Pk is not a “red hot” spot to camp—Doug cried to go home when we were driving around the lake on top of the dam.
Stayed over night on a cabin in Lakin.
A snack of milk—rolls—bread & honey—bananas—grapes.
Sept. 2
46802 7:15 M. S. T.
Leave Larkin with no regrets. Head west to Colo.—see what we can see!
46913 Arrive Hasty, Colo. 11:00 A. M.
Nice camping spot on Ark. River below John Martin Federal Dam—
Met a preacher’s family J. Gaylord Lehman
413 Eleven Mile Road, Royal Oak, Mich.
Exchanged camping experiences & had nice visit—You meet the best people in the world in tent. They were heading home. Just leaving—we went swimming together before they left. Then had lunch.
Pork chops, potatoes, tomatoes, cookies, grapes.
Bed early—
Sunny—hot. Up at 6:00. Dip in lake.
Oatmeal, melon, bread & honey. Drove to Las Animas to S.S. & church. Back to camp for dinner.
Will & kids dip in Lake.
Canned meat, eggs, tomatoes, cookies.
Afternoon nap until 4. Swim to 5:45. Will put on boots & went hiking over rocky buttes. Betty washed clothes in lake—All drove around lake.
Supper late—dark before we were there.
French toast, The last tomato we brought from Mossville. Campfire—roasted marshmallows—yum-yum—to bed at 8:30.
Mon. Sept. 4
Up at 6:30—no dip—too cool—cloudy—cleared up in afternoon.
Left at 9:30—drove above dam to see Caddoa(?)—R.R.—lake—etc. Climbed Butte—Saw our first snake—one is enough!
Talked to workman about dam & recreation project—gov’t will have a nice park here eventually. They are piping in water & erecting shower rooms, etc.
Rattlesnakes in area about cleaned out they say!! Gov’t has spent 5 ½ million dollars.
Bought and moved town of Caddoa—one of the oldest towns in this section. Also moved 28 miles of railroad—and a cemetery. Have given 20 acre to B. Scouts & 20 a. to G Scouts for Nat’l camps.
Stocking lake with fish—have boating, swimming, camping. Good deal.
Went swimming before dinner—washed pillow cases.
Lunch late—1:30—canned salmon—peas—cabbage slaw—melon—pop. (For breakfast had watermelon left by yesterday’s picnickers) Played ball—aft—went to Hasty—bought groceries—flashlight batteries & ice etc.
Supper early—cleaned up odds & ends—fried cabbage, eggs, honey pudding—crackers.
High winds—calmed down after dark—Campfire roast marshmallows—
Sept 5—Tues.
46993—Leave Hasty. Up at 5:30. Broke camp. Left at 7:30. Arr. Royal Gorge 12:30. Bought souvenirs—drove to see Bridge—did not drive across—costern 40 (cents) per each—we saw gorgeous scenery for free—ate lunch under a pine tree by the gorge.
Soft tire—had to change before we started back—borrowed tire wrench from another traveler. Must buy one next chance.—On to Salida—scenic road up river canyon. Arr. Del Norte 5:20. Looked up Francis in Gamble Store. Supper at their house. Roast beef & potatoes. Mm—yum. Sat up late.
Wed. Sept 6
Up at 7:00. Washed in A. M. (clothes—that is.
(Two blank pages in journal)
Thurs. Sept 7
47299—Leave Del Norte for Mesa Verde. Long trip it seems. Rained most of the way—we were afraid we’d have to set up camp in the rain. Beautiful Mt. scenery. Wolf Creek Pass—quite a haul—breathtaking views—Bought groc in Durango—
Arr. park after dark.
Up at 6:30. beautiful day—bacon & eggs for Bk—Loafed around camp. Went to see Museum in A.M. Plan to take some tours in P.M.
Back to camp for lunch hamburgers—beans—bananas
Aft. Made tours of Balcony house, Cliff Palace, Spruce Tree Ruins. Some climbing around.
Supper in camp—
Merry & Will went to lecture at Museum, also Navajo dancers—Boys 7 Betty stayed in camp—had marshmallow roast—to bed early—
(No entry)
up at 5 AM
47506—Leave Mesa Verde at 6:50
Arrive Durango 9:00 ate breakfast in a little joint—Mo place—went to S.S. in First Meth. Promotion Sunday for them—then on—Stopped for dinner at a picnic grds by a mt. lake. Many fishermen about. Cold wing blowing. Had fried eggs and ham. Cocoa for kids—coffee blums—
Heading for Monarch Pass—Supposed to be a camping spot “out of this world.”
Bought groc in Montrose—on to the pass—camp grds turned out to be not much of a shucks as far as we were concerned. Camped 11,000 feet up—arr. After dark—no wood for a fire—cold as sin—kids miserable crying for their beds & for Mossville.
Mon—up at 6:00—heated tent with stove. Snow on ground—cocoa, coffee, bread for bkfst.—broke camp as fast as possible considering the prevailing conditions. Ate dinner in Denver City Park—on our way again—weather cloudy & cool. Stopped in cabin at Joes Colo. Nice & clean. Twin beds—private bath—had showers all around—heated cabin—good beds—boys slept on floor—to bed at 8:30.
Sept 12
Leave Joes Col. 8:00 A.M. 48100
Ate dinner in state park at Oberlin Kan. Set up tent on top of table to give shelter from rain—good dinner pork chops—corn—carrots—peaches—doughnuts. Stopped for gas at Norton—about 5 mi later—Bruce said, “I’m worried about the trailer. It’s tipped.” So we stopped suspecting flat tire. Imagine our surprise—the whole wheel completely gone. Went over that 5 mi. 4! Times but no sign of it. So put on the spare & proceeded onward on a wheel & a prayer, so to speak. At Phillipsburg stopped at a junk yard & bot new wheel assembly. Kids had more fun in the hour at the junk yard than all the Rocky Mts in Colo.
Sept 13
48342—7:00 AM
Leave Agua Kan. City Park. Heading for Wallace State Park—Mo. We’ll see what fate & fortune befalls us today!
(empty page)
Sept 14
Leave Wallace st Pk
48649—8:00 A.M. head for home.
“Do we have to go for another ride today?”—Doug