1955 Will & Betty Harris Family Christmas Letter

1955               Dec.20                         314 N. Fremont St.                            River Falls, Wis. 

         The fifth annual edition goes winging its way!

      Our important bit of news is that at long last this summer the thesis was completed, the oral examination taken, and the PhD conferred. Madison may not see us again as students until the children enroll in the summer session.

      Also this summer we vacationed at Peninsula Park, where we picked cherries for freezing and where we met some old friends and made some shiney new ones. The new names added to the mailing list are:

     The Hogards                            Green Bay, Wis.                     The Kohls                                 Morton Grove, Ill.                     The Prochnows                        Des Plaines, Ill.                 The Wolffs                                Morris, Ill.      May we introduce these new friends to the old ones? Remember the campfires?

        It would be fun to try to list the birth announcements and other vital statistics of vital friends but let it suffice to say that there seems to be ample replacements for us older models. Blessings on all you who found your troubles to be little ones. We observed last year that the problems of growing up cast a nostalgic aura on the problems of infancy. We couldn’t agree more with anything we’ve ever said

        Another big event in our lives is our largest Christmas present. It is about 15 feet long, eight feet high and seven feet wide. It is a vacation house trailer. The model is called San Gabriel. Of course we just call it Gabriel, cause when he blows his trumpet, off we go!

      Merry worked last summer for a seed-corn company. She earned over $90.00 more toward her horse. She is a very busy High School Freshman. Since her school offers no foreign language, she is taking French by correspondence from the University of Wisconsin. The High School arranges this. Her parents have re-learned a great deal of French pronunciation and grammar lately, too. Her present vocational choice is that of Occupational Therapy.

       Bruce still finds his main hobby to be a thorough collection of information about college and pro athletic teams. His favorite pro team is the Packers and his favorite players are Pete Pihost and of course Alan Ameche. Of the college teams he follows the U. of Wisconsin and Navy mostly.

       Doug is now interested in singing as well as sports, especially basketball. He is very proud of the U. of Iowa, in the state of his birth. At present he is in the shooting-up stage. Can’t keep clothing anywhere near his ankles and wrists!

      Junior, our parakeet, is now two and one-half. He is still a great source of entertainment. After many experiences with children, he now seems to prefer adult company more.

      Betty is working during the Christmas rush at our Sears order outlet. She also manages a Cub den and teaches eighth graders in Sunday School. On Thursday she prefers the eighth graders and on Sundays she prefers the eight year olds.

      Next summer the family will be held in River Falls for at least six weeks for the college summer session. There will be one week before the summer session and about six weeks after. Our plans are to use the trailer for week-end jaunts and several short trips. Near the end of the summer we want to make a long trip probably much of it in the Rockies. Since the trailer makes us quite self-sufficient for living quarters, we can camp anyplace we find interesting along the way.

      Well so much for us this past year. May we hear from all of you? Hope to see you along our way this next summer. Much love from all.

MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR!                                                           MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR!








On this day