1970 Will & Betty Harris Family Christmas Letter

December 12, 1970 314 N. Fremont Street, River Falls, Wisconsin 54022  

Dear Ones All:

The star has always been one of my favorite design motifs.  A symbol of hope especially dear at Christmas.  God’s Spirit of Love at the center points out equally in all directions of our lives, steady and sure. Already the letters and cards are rolling in and how pleasant to hear from you, dear family and friends.  Your thoughts and good wishes are gratefully received. I am still at Prescott, teaching a fairly strenuous schedule, taking an occasional class - currently jewelry at River Falls State U. and keeping busy in other ways as well. Bruce is working in the St. Paul schools and is alternately elated and frustrated by the challenge of a “Special Education” class he helps with.  He is usually home weekends, and we exchange points of view on the philosophy of education and the generation gap. (Rapidly closing) Doug and Rosie changed their place of residence last spring to Milwaukee as he was accepted in U W M’s Urban Affairs grad program.  He is very enthusiastic about it and the people involved.  He was recently awarded Conscientious Objector status and hopes to settle soon on his service work assignment.  Rosemary is working at Marquette University.  They love the excitement of their many activities, but could do without the frenzy of city traffic. Merry and Jon and Erik are still at Tempe, Jon in grad school there in counselling and guidance.  As a substitute teacher Merry is getting a look at many schools and never knows when she may have to turn into a science or language teacher, or even art.  She is still active in church choir work: and as for Erik, I guess you could just say that he is still active, that is - ACTIVE. I will be going there for Christmas arriving on Erik’s 3rd Birthday, Dec.23. Is there any chance he will still remember me from last summer?  I hope so.

My Dad recently observed his 90th birthday in good health and spirits.  Some of us helped him celebrate early as we had a small gathering at Thanksgiving. May the Spirit of Christmas remain in your hearts, and the challenge of the New Year bring you rewarding days ahead.                                                                                As ever ,  

Jon and Merry Webb & Erik 1310 E. Orange St. Tempe, Ariz. 65281  

Doug and Rosemary Harris 2637 N. Maryland Ave. Apt. 5 Milwaukee, Wis. 53211  

Bruce Harris 670 W. University Ave. Apt. 2 St. Paul, Minn. 55104

On this day