1991 Will & Betty Harris Family Christmas Letter

Elizabeth Harris 533 Linden St. River Falls, WI 54022  December1991  

Another year has swiftly flown, and so I fondly send my annual HOLIDAY GREETINGS to you, dear friends and family. I’m still here in my home in River Falls and there’s always room for visitors.  Bruce makes it home occasionally, and I go to Milwaukee and Oshkosh 2 or 3 times a year.  Merry has a busy life with her teaching job and 3 active teen-agers at home.  Doug, Sissa and family are currently occupying themselves building an addition to their mountainside home, which will essentially double their living space.  

I will spend Christmas as home this year with Bruce and maybe my Japanese “grandson”, Joshua.  Will go west in June ‘92 when Kevin graduates from H.S.  Last June we all “helped” Erik graduate from Northwestern Univ. at Evanston, Ill., and Merry with her crew were here for a too short visit en route back to Oregon. 

Various church and community activities keep me out of mischief.  The Refugee Council is quite active again with 2 new Vietnamese family reunifications, and another one pending, so I am tutoring once more.  I also sandwich in a non-credit class on the UW-RF campus now and then to keep me from going to seed.  Of course I’m still weaving as time and inspiration permit.  

On the national and international scene I teeter between optimism and pessimism, despair and hope.  Like Vietnam the Gulf War is over, but it isn’t….. Europe, USSR, Yugoslavia, Middle East...crucial decisions are to be made.   

George Bernard Shaw said it:  “Those who can’t change their minds can’t change anything.”

But I really like these words of wisdom from that renowned philosopher, Yogi Berra, who said in his inimitable style:  “When you come to a fork in the road, take it!” 

For all of you dear ones I pray God’s richest blessings - the Peace and Joy of the Holiday Season.  

                                     YOURS, AS ALWAYS,                                                                 BETTY HARRIS

On this day