Merry Christmas 2002 Happy New Year 2003
December 2002 Here I am, folks Neatly tucked into a 4 room apartment. It has been a challenge, getting rid of an accumulation of “things and stuff.” Fortunately, I had help from my kids and their kids who took painting, pottery, and household items in quantities. This facility furnishes a main meal at noon each day. My apartment has a very adequate kitchen and large enough living and dining area to entertain guests. Witness: six adults and two “toddlers” for Thanksgiving weekend! And I have storage space in a heated garage for my car and some “stuff” that won’t fit into the apartment (yet). We had a four generation family reunion in July at the Linden St. house with eleven adults and four little ones from 1-3 years old all “helping” in their own ways to get moved. [My three kids and three of Merry’s kids with kids and families.] I can’t thank my family enough for their time and energy helping me “downsize” and settle in. I couldn’t have done it without you. THANK YOU ALL! Merry retired from teaching this year and now is wondering how she ever found time to go to work every day. She and roommate Beth Russell arrived in October to put what we had hoped would be final touches on my move and returned to the West Coast with a van and U-Haul full of “stuff and things” for the West Coast crew. Bruce and Darlene are in River Falls. I can actually see their apartment building across Main St. from me. Bruce is working 3 days a week at the community workshop and enjoys the experience. Darlene recovered well from recent major surgery. Doug and Sissa are busy with work and graduate study in Clear Lake, California. Sissa also had major surgery, but thankfully recovered well enough to help with the July move. They have a nice house with children and grandchildren nearby, as well as model trains all around this time of the year. Home improvement projects also help fill their hours. Granddaughter Raina, who lived with me in R.F. some years ago, was married at Christmas ‘01 to fellow Coast Guard member Matt Clark. They and their baby, my great grandchild #6 (Cole Jackson Clark born 8-30-02) visited me here this early October. They live and work in the San Francisco area. Beetle, my cat, was happily adopted by a family who was looking for a pet “just like him!”
I wish for all the best of the holiday season, good health and happiness in 2003.
With love to all, Betty
“How many am I! With all my children’s children, Love makes me plural!” - J.F. Holland